Flash Fiction February 005: President Grump

by Terence A. Anthony

“Don’t these people get it? I’m the fucking President” barked the Commander in Chief to his aide. The oval office stopped embracing natural lighting ever since President Grump was tired of looking at the protesters outside his window.

In his logic, for as long as he can block his enemies, he’ll be fine. But judging from all his social media accounts, they are still working into his head.

An aide took a deep breathe before he continued. He stared at his phone’s screen one more time before delivering the damning info. “President Grump, this is it. That was the last base we have in Estonia. The Russians have taken control of the country.”

“What the fuck happened to the NATO back up in the surrounding bases--”

“Sir, we wanted to brief you yesterday about the situation but you didn’t want to--”

“Are you blaming me for my fucking problems? Who the hell are you?”

President Grump was fuming from the sudden burst of information. Just to make sure everyone got the message, he took the television remote on his desk and turned off the giant television screen recently mounted by his administration, then slammed it on his table. The screen has been on 24/7 ever since he got the secret service to install it just so he can hear his favourite pundits like Jill O’Reilly and John Hannity spout out praises for him. But events of the past few weeks have turned the tides against him.

Even news channels that used to adore him had to cover the biggest anti-war protest ever since the Vietnam War.

“That’s it! I’m tired of these Ruskies and Chinese poking their noses everywhere. Give me the briefcase!” That was the moment every one dreaded. Despite the threat of nuclear annihilation, the white house staffs were still afraid of Grump’s wrath. If it wasn’t Grump and the launch codes, it will be the Russians and Chinese bombing the United States before the American military recklessly tears the world.

He laid his finger on his button while everyone sweated profusely.

Boom! Confetti fell all over the room and the oval office opened up to an audience. A perplexed Grump looked around him, watching over his staff leaving the stage.

Movie star turned gameshow host Arnold Swashbuckler walked to Grump and shook hands with the now confused television star.

“Congratulations for making it this far! The audience loved you, but unfortunately this is your last week at Celebrity President! Thank you so much for playing with us.”

Flash Fiction February is a daily short story challenge (within the 150-200 word range) for the month of February.

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